
Hi there!

I'm Pamela Watson, an Australian who normally lives in London, UK.

In January 2022, I became my mother's full time carer in Perth, Australia. Had I lost my identity as an author, traveller and entrepreneur? My care role meant being  separated from my partner, home and cat and abandoning a fledgling business and book launch. After four months, I was exhausted and depressed; to be honest, so was Mum.

Then, after surviving health crises, wheelchair-bound Mum said: "I don't want to just sit waiting to die," the spur to our travels together. Both of us have always loved travel and so we reinvented how we would go about it - together.

During 2022, we had several road trips in country WA and travelled from Perth to London for a 7 week holiday! Wonderful memories, a tonic for me and super beneficial to Mum.

Now I want to help other super seniors and their carers to have travel adventures like us.

I hope you will join us as we continue our adventures and share how we do it - so you can do the same!

- Pamela

Hi there!

I'm Pamela Watson, an Australian who normally lives in London, UK.

In January 2022, I became my mother's full time carer in Perth, Australia. Had I lost my identity as an author, traveller and entrepreneur? My care role meant being  separated from my partner, home and cat and abandoning a fledgling business and book launch. After four months, I was exhausted and depressed; to be honest, so was Mum.

Then, after surviving health crises, wheelchair-bound Mum said: "I don't want to just sit waiting to die," the spur to our travels together. Both of us have always loved travel and so we reinvented how we would go about it - together.

During 2022, we had several road trips in country WA and travelled from Perth to London for a 7 week holiday! Wonderful memories, a tonic for me and super beneficial to Mum.

Now I want to help other super seniors and their carers to have travel adventures like us.

I hope you will join us as we continue our adventures and share how we do it - so you can do the same!

- Pamela


I'm Gwen Watson, Pamela's mother. I'm 97 years old (not sure how that happened!)

I've always had a passion for travel. In 1956, my late husband Frank and I travelled by ship from Fremantle to Southampton for a six month European adventure; we had more than 60 people see us off!

Later, our adventures included the Trans-Siberian train during the Cold War, seeing Europe with a Eurail pass, taking a trip along the Alaska passage, seeing the Angel Falls and South America, travelling in Zimbabwe and Tanzania, and visiting Pamela in her home in Lagos, Nigeria.

Unfortunately in 2021, I suffered a stroke followed by two bouts of delerium brought on by an untreated UTI and sepsis, and was written off by much of the medical profession and social workers, but not by my daughter. 

When Pamela suggested we travel, I said: "Why not?" We're still writing that story. I hope you'll join us.

- Gwen

Our beliefs and what we plan to do

Our beliefs

Once we open our minds to the possibilities of the very old, all sorts of challenges and enjoyable adventures emerge - for both carers and the caree. Care becomes another life phase that can be filled with amazement and adventure.


Some caveats

We recognise that pathways of decline, people's resources and freedomand people's characters and openness to change and travel are all very different.

But we aim to help others who are up for the challenge to discover new ways of existing in their very old age (with the help of their carers).

Our plans

In our western societies, we hear voices about the economic and social burden the elderly bring. Increasingly, we are writing off our very old - metaphorically, medically, even legally.

We plan to be a loud voice promoting change in our mindsets about the possibilities of the very old and the personal, economic and social rewards available from their care.

We help you and your carers travel

Change what is possible for super seniors

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